Believe in yourself.

Believe in yourself.

The road here wasn't easy. It took time. It took effort. It took showing up and showing out. It took passion. Lots of patience. It took me taking time to figure out who I am, who I need to be, and who I am grateful for.

This time is for you. It's time for you to shine and walk in your truth. It's time to relax and gear up. You know, get your mind right.

I'm proud of you. Each day, you choose to go on no matter how you're feeling inside. You're being yourself.

You are changing, shedding, becoming.

This moment is real. This moment is for you to feel. Be excited. Do it scared. Do it like you've been doing this stuff all your life.

Clap for yourself along the way. You didn't work this hard for nothing.

You are magic. Feel it. Flow through it. Be it.

It's all working out. It's always working out."
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